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Global Retail Benchmark: Around the world in 36 apps

36 apps, 18 countries, 6 continents: The UXalliance retail benchmark shows how mobile is changing retail customer experiences, and reveals the global trends shaping the future of retailIts.

Its relatively straightforward to understand retail app and wider CX trends in your own and similar markets, but retail is a global sector and customer experience is now a global priority. Retailers on every continent are addressing it. The study benchmarks 36 leading retailers from 18 countries in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and North and South America to understand developments in global retail app and customer experience design

It uses an established methodology, executed by the local experts from the UXalliance. It provides insights about benchmark winners for both app UX and the wider customer experience that supports online purchase. It also unpacks design trends, new directions in finding retail products online, identify where localisation matters most in design, as well as addressing continuity between bricks and mortar, customer support and the use of emerging technology such as chatbots to support this. Sutherland Labs is an Experience Design company, and is the British partner of the UXAlliance group.