Our legal address is UXalliance PLC, 14 Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W OEX, UK.
The UXalliance is a global network of leading independent User Experience (UX) companies. Through global research services, we help large global organizations develop better international products & services by providing them with highly reliable local research, insight, and design through a single point of contact.The UXalliance is not a company in itself and, as such, does not provide any services. Services are provided by our local partner companies.
The main requirement for a company to become a partner is their quality of work and ability to collaborate. We evaluate potential partners by working with them on real projects.
We also require companies to have more than 1 employee, human factors or UX employees, and the infrastructure to conduct in-lab and remote research. The company’s main source of revenue should be research activities, and it must have a growth mindset.
The UXalliance can only choose 1 partner for a country and can only accept requests for membership from countries that are not already represented.
Being a partner of the UXalliance means being part of a collaborative group with a strong passion for global user research.
Our members are hand-picked for their experience and expertise, and they are expected to regularly contribute and share knowledge. Our members are also expected to be readily available to each other and provide local solutions when requested. They must also commit to high quality assurance and standard processes.
If you plan to conduct a global research project, select one of our partners. as the single point of contact. They will give you a total budget estimate, based on involved partners’ costs, and will coordinate the research activities in selected countries.
You can choose any UXalliance partner as your single point of contact. However, our clients typically choose the company based in their own country, so that they can interact in their own language and currency.
If there is no UXalliance partner in your country, contact a UXalliance agency in any of the countries where you want to conduct your research.If there are no UXalliance partners in any of the countries where you want to conduct your research, contact any UXalliance partner anywhere in the world. Through our extended network, we will find you a local research company. Our network covers more than 70 countries on all five continents.If you are not sure which UXalliance partner to contact or have any other questions, please!